The search for the best Salcichas in LA

Death Dogs. There is a great reason why the call it that. Whats greater is the combination of a bacon wrapped sausage topped off with extra cilantro on a late night in LA. 



Grilling off Salchichas for some friends about to come over!

My friends and I always stay up late having meaningful conversations about three things. society, music. food. Most of the time we eventually decide to go to taco trucks or our usual Nicaraguan restaurant in downtown. 
One night, we were on Hollywood and Highland and passed by a lady with her griddle attached to the back of her toyota truck. I wasn’t hungry but my friend bought one an it was to die for. I had no idea what was so different about it but it blew my mind. Ever since then. we often make salchichas hoping to replicate the perfect death dog we had that night.

What’s your secret recipe to a good salchicha?